Must know the five functions and advantages of inlay smart lock

With the expansion of the smart home market, more and more smart products have entered our vision, and there are smart products in our communities and offices. The most obvious is the smart door lock. No matter what time we are most concerned about is the security issue, the smart door lock is different from the traditional door lock, which is more convenient, safe and convenient, and easy to use. Let's take a look at the features of the inlay smart lock today. I have a deeper understanding of him and use it more safely and conveniently.

The five functions of inlay smart lock

1, unlock mode: fingerprint, password, mobile phone remote, unlock the key. In addition, passwords have virtual passwords and garbled characters to prevent others from snooping on passwords.

2, wireless communication, no external circuit.

3, no professional knowledge, easy to use for ordinary users. Voice reminders are suitable for all ages.

4, security, anti-jamming, remote unlock, real-time alarm. Query open records, and cat eye monitoring.

5, beautiful appearance, durable. Zinc alloy, stainless steel, anti-snail lock, and vandal-proof.


Embedded smart lock advantage

Embedded smart phone smart door lock is a real Internet of things smart lock, users simply take out mobile phones, tablet PCs and other mobile terminals, enter the password, you can achieve automatic unlocking. At the same time, users can unlock their homes or visitors remotely, without having to worry about forgotten keys or forgotten phones. Wireless communication, no external circuit, no professional knowledge, easy to use for ordinary users, security, anti-jamming, remote unlock, real-time alarm

The above is the function and advantage of the inlay smart lock for everyone, there is no heart, it is better than the action Oh! Bid farewell to the traditional card, so that our travel is more safe and efficient, no worries, Come and install a such door lock It's beautiful and safe, it's not too good.

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