Children's room decoration 6 errors and precautions

The children's room has become an important part of home decoration. It is the wish of every parent to create a good living environment for children. However, we also see many children who have accidents at home. Therefore, the children's room is not only nice to decorate, but more importantly, it is safe. For example, in the children's room, placing too much furniture and not installing guardrails, etc., are all mistakes that should be avoided.

Misunderstanding 1: affect the appearance of the guardrail is not installed

According to the national "housing design specification" stipulates: when the window sill outside the floor, floor height is less than 0.9 meters, there should be protective facilities. Parents of children in the family must install guardrails in the bay windows, windows, and balconies. The guard rails should not be separated by more than 12 cm. If you are afraid that the guardrail will affect the viewing, you can install an invisible security net or install security locks on windows and glass doors.

Myth 2: Excessive furniture for children's rooms

The children's room is generally not large. If the furniture is too full, it limits the space for the children's activities, but it causes trouble for the children. It is recommended that if the child is less than 7 years old, it is not necessary to set a bookcase. Optional easy to move, high-combination furniture, easy to adjust the space at any time. At the same time, children’s room walls are set aside as “small blackboards”. Children can graffiti and post free; larger children can leave a space for the display of works or photos and cultivate sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

Myth #3: Use rugs to avoid bumps

Children under 3 years of age like to play on the floor, so many parents have covered foam mats or carpets. However, it is difficult to clean the carpet and it is easy to make children suffer from respiratory diseases. The chemical fiber blanket can cause children's allergic reactions. Foam mats contain formaldehyde and can also harm children's health. It is advisable to use a solid wood floor on the ground and replace it with an easy-to-clean bedding or blanket.

Myth 4: No household electrical power cord

Many parents figure things, and the power cords of electric fans, washing machines and other appliances are never pulled. The child's nature is good and there is no ability to discern. Inadvertently pressing a switch or a button can cause harm. It is recommended to develop the habit of using the power cord after it has been removed.

Myth 5: Over-unified color

When decorating the children's room, most of the girls' rooms are designed in colors of pink, light purple, etc. Boy rooms are generally blue, green and other colors. In fact, children's love for color is not fixed. In fact, children who are active and active can use cool colors such as gray, light blue and light green to help children calm and comfortable; introverted children can consider warm colors such as orange and yellow, which can bring happiness and harmony to children.

Myth 6: Light sources are numerous and complicated

The general family has a main light source and a supplemental light source in each area. If the children's room is designed as such, the lighting is excessive. If the lamp is installed directly above the child's head, it may cause damage to the children's vision and may also be dangerous. It is advisable to install a light fixture with adjustable brightness in the children's room and lower the brightness at night to help eliminate the fear of children sleeping alone. The lamps in the children's room are suitable for the use of a warm light source. The lamps should be kept away from children's touch, and the power outlets should also be placed in concealed locations.

Children's room decoration children's room design and decoration misunderstanding

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