How to control the root disease of fruit trees

In the production of fruit trees, the prevention and control of root disease in fruit trees is often neglected. After the onset of the roots of the fruit trees, the leaves of the plants were deciduous, fruit-dropped, and poorly grown; the whole plant died and the losses were heavy. The main factors causing disease in the roots of fruit trees are poor soil environment, such as soil water accumulation, high groundwater level, roots infected by harmful organisms, such as certain pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Among them, mites are the main cause of inducing root diseases. The root disease should be based on prevention and prevention.

First, do a good job in irrigation and drainage facilities. Repair the drainage ditch early, remove the water from the orchard in time after heavy rain, and improve the drainage facilities.

Second, strengthen cultivation management. The orchard uses organic fertilizer to improve the soil structure. Foliar spray fertilizer, enhance the tree potential, improve the tree's ability to resist mites and disease resistance.

Third, pay attention to the treatment of sick trees. When the leaves on the tree are dehydrated, the leaves are dry, and the leaves turn yellow, the following work should be done:

1. Look for the root of the disease. First open the rhizosphere soil layer, dig it to the base of the root, check the root neck, and find the spot of the main root, lateral root and fibrous root along the lesion after the lesion is found.

2. Remove the root cause. For the entire rotten root, it must be sawed or cut off from the base. The removed roots should be taken out of the garden or buried.

3. Medicinal roots. In order to prevent infection of the remaining root system, the tree should be centered, and 4 to 6 deep 60 cm and 30-40 cm wide to the radial groove around the canopy, 50% of the detoxifying WP 300 or 70 % of methyl thiophanate WP 800 times solution or 200 times of copper sulphate solution, the amount of application per plant depends on the size of the tree.

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