The demand of soybean for nitrogen fertilizer

Compared with cereal crops, soybeans are crops that require higher amounts of fertilizer. On fertile soils, soy yields can be significantly increased. However, soybean fertilization must be done in a proper way. Only when the amount of fertilizer is appropriate, the proportion of fertilizer is appropriate, and the method is correct, can the maximum economic benefit be achieved. To properly fertilize, it is necessary to clarify the fertilizer characteristics and regularity of soybean. Now introduce the nitrogen requirement of soybean:

The key period of soybean nitrogen demand is mainly seedling stage and flowering stage. In the seedling stage, the nitrogen content in the cotyledons is exhausted, and the soybean seedlings may have short-term nitrogen deficiency before the nodule has begun to fix nitrogen. Applying a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer during the sowing period can promote the growth of seedlings, and the disadvantages of nitrogen fixation in the subsequent nodules are small. In the early stage of flowering, the nitrogen requirement of soybean reached its peak. At the same time, the nitrogen content in the soybean begins to flow to the seed. The function of the leaf is seriously weakened due to the decrease of nitrogen in the seed. The nitrogen fixation of the rhizobium begins to weaken. The application of nitrogen fertilizer at the early flowering stage is an effective stimulation measure.

From: Haishu Agricultural Economic Net
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