The difference between manganese oxide and manganese carbonate

The use of manganese carbonate ore is currently mostly used to produce electrolytic manganese, which is electrolytic manganese metal. Manganese carbonate ore is processed into manganese powder, which is then fully dissolved with sulfuric acid, and electricity is inserted into the anode and cathode plates to produce electrolytic manganese flakes. A ton of electrolytic manganese tablets usually requires about 8 tons of manganese carbonate ore. It can be used to prepare high-purity manganese carbonate concentrate, which is the main raw material for the production of manganese sulfate, electrolytic manganese metal, activated manganese dioxide, electrolytic manganese dioxide, and manganese tetraoxide.
The difference between manganese oxide ore and manganese carbonate ore is that it is the difference between oxidation and non-oxidation! The general manganese ore used in metallurgy and chemical industry is part of the surface oxidation, and the unoxidized primary ore is called manganese carbonate ore!

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