How to control the use of pesticides exceeding the standard

1. Select ultra-fine and low-volume spray method: use the manual sprayer to make the water piece more fine and better. The motorized sprayer adopts the high-winding switch, which can make the crop spray even and thoughtful, improve the control effect, and thus reduce the dosage.

2, choose the best weather: you can choose sunny, windless weather, improve control efficiency.

3, choose the prevention time: morning dew is not dry when not dry, high temperature time is not preventive.

4. Choose high-efficiency, low-toxic and pollution-free pesticides: it can greatly reduce pesticide residues.

5, choose systemic, stomach poisonous pesticides: can prolong the prevention and treatment time, reduce the number of medications.

6, control the use of drugs and multiples: do not arbitrarily increase the amount of medication.
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