Are prices so crazy buying building materials can save a little?

In 2016, when the housing market started to heat up, the housing prices in the Guangshen area of ​​the north rose rapidly. With the booming housing market, the price of home-improvement building materials also followed the trend of “rise by boat”. What about the 2016 building materials market? For the first time rookie decoration, how to deal with the complicated decoration process? How to prepare before the renovation? In this issue of Cheats for Decoration, Xiao Bian talked about pre-renovation preparation and the latest decoration materials in 2016.

First, the latest renovation of building materials in 2016 offer rookie decoration do not panic

1, before the decoration should do enough preparation to guard against decoration

2, 2016 latest decoration building materials offer reference

Second , the floor decoration solution decoration materials purchase list

In home furnishings, floor decoration is a key project in home improvement, and because of its high usage rate, it is even more important to pay attention when choosing flooring decoration materials. With the development of the building materials market, there are many kinds of materials that can be used for floor decoration, such as floors, floor tiles, and ceramic tiles. How do you choose the most suitable decoration material for your own floor?

3, material selection classroom: wood floor to buy Raiders

4, material selection classroom: strengthen the floor to buy matters needing attention

5, selection of materials: moisture-proof tiles are not afraid of returning to Nantian

6, material selection classroom: floor tiles to buy Raiders

Third, a large collection of wall decoration materials face engineering to do enough

7, material selection classroom: avoid misunderstanding to buy qualified home improvement coatings

8, material selection classroom: moisture-proof wallpaper shopping skills

9, material selection classroom: diatom mud purchase steps

Fourth, decoration accessories list does not leave home decoration regret

Building materials purchase building materials market building materials market building materials building materials knowledge

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