Chengdu's second half of the year to increase real estate tax into a pilot city

Although there have been media comments earlier that the property tax will become a "weapon" for a new round of regulation, most people in the industry are conservative. As far as the pilot projects in Shanghai and Chongqing are concerned, it is generally believed that the levy of property taxes has little effect on the regulation of the property market. The reason is that Chen Baocun, deputy secretary-general of the National Union of Real Estate Managers and a well-known national real estate commentator, believes that it is because "the tax burden is not high, and the tax is imposed on new and high-end housing respectively, and the scope is not broad." He Liangxu, secretary general of the Chengdu Branch of the National Association of Real Estate Managers, also believes that the "weapon" is exaggerated. Although the real estate tax has eased the government's dependence on land to a certain extent, it is difficult to replace purchase restrictions. Zhu Zhou, director of the planning of Zhongyu Real Estate, said that whether the property tax can be a "weapon" for regulation and control, "it depends on the strength of the final clause and how to implement it."

The second half of Chengdu's pilot mode may be controversial

The "weapon" may still have to be verified in time, but Jia Kang, director of the Institute of Fiscal Science of the Ministry of Finance, recently confirmed the public housing tax expansion plan: not only first-tier cities such as Guangzhou, but also some Midwestern The second and third tier cities are likely to join the property tax pilot camp.

As the largest central city in the west, Chengdu's voice to join the pilot property tax has become increasingly high-pitched. "Once Chengdu realizes the networking of personal housing information, the introduction of real estate tax will accelerate," Zhu Zhou, director of planning of Zhongyu Real Estate, thinks so. He Liangxu, secretary-general of the Chengdu Branch of the National Association of Real Estate Managers, said more positively: "Chengdu is likely to enter the pilot in the second half of the year."

Regarding the two existing property tax pilot models, Shanghai targets new additions, while Chongqing targets high-end housing. If Chengdu really becomes a pilot, which model will it adopt? Chen Baocun believes that it may be the Shanghai model, that is, levy on new volume. He Liangxu prefers the Chongqing model, and advocates that property taxes should be aimed at high-end residential and multi-suite owners. He particularly emphasized "different treatment", because many people in the general public also hold more than one suite due to improving demand. If the situation is not cut across the board, it is likely that the interests of the public will be harmed by mistake and violate the fair.

Real estate tax affects the rental market nerves is expected to be fully popularized in the future

Regardless of the form of real estate tax, in the long run, there is almost no suspense in its wider popularization and promotion. The three interviewed industry experts agree very much. They all believe that the collection of real estate tax in the short term will have a more obvious impact on the price changes of high-end residential, second-hand housing sales and rental markets. However, due to the long-term dependence of fiscal revenue on land, real estate tax is still difficult to become its main source.

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