Photographs of Feng Shui

Many people like to hang their own photos at home, some to show their own beauty, and some to create warm memories, then you know, there are a lot of home Fengshui photos of feng shui , photographs can not be hanging around, oh, While enjoying the photos, using the correct placement method can bring fortune to the family. Omido Home brings you together to understand the feng shui of your own photos .


Place your own photo for water distribution

1, the general personal life will be placed on both sides of the bed or on the table, the picture is proposed to be placed on the left side of the bed, that is, follow the principles of Zuo Qinglong, right white tiger, the right should not be placed photos, after all, the right is fierce It's easy to destroy the feng shui of a photo by placing a photo.

2, photos should not be facing the door, in fact, the direction of the door are also very easy to have a swarthy in, if the photo is directed at the gate, then it will make the photo of feng shui damaged, it is easy to lead to a photo of the magnetic field deterioration, photos of In fact, like the human fortune, it has been affected, and people's fortune will be uncertain.

3, if it is a photo taken in popular spots when traveling, the protagonist behind a pile of "passers-A" is unavoidable. When displaying such photos, it is important to note that if there is a child behind, or someone is making a poked gesture, such a picture should not be hung on the wall because the child is a 'little person'. The 'back spine', these are evasive in Feng Shui.

4, the side of the photo shoot easy to appear "yin and yang face", backlight photo shoot face will be dark, these pale faces, or face, background, shadow, and do not put on the wall So as not to adversely affect careers, feelings, and studies.

5. If you are sitting on a boat, near a railing, or standing on the waterfront, with a background of rushing rivers or a more dangerous mountain view, these photos should not be displayed because of the so-called “Xiushan writer, Bad Mountain "Apes", a dangerous dangerous background, will form a bad gas field, affecting people's living conditions. People who are in the period of career change or emotional instability must pay special attention.

6. The head shot should not be hung on the wall for a long time, because if the cleaning is not done in time, the photo is easy to get old and dim, which will make people's fortune damaged.


In addition, the wedding photos must not be only one person alone, this time should become a wedding photo or family portrait, but also to introduce:

1. Do not put your wedding photo on the front door. This place is called the entrance. It is a place where there is gas, and there is also good morale.

2. Wedding photos should not be hung too close to the balcony. This place is too close to the sun, and the picture fades after a long time. The feng shui image is: Is your marriage and love slowly fading? Did the warmth of the past fade away?

3, then the wedding photos can not be hung in the position of the meridians. That is, the position of a space is exactly where it is. These are peach blossoms. Your husband or wife has a wall of red apricots. Then you go home and see if your wedding photo is just in this position.

4, wedding photos do not hang in the room opposite the toilet. In contrast, here refers to the toilet and the door, open the toilet, a lot of suffocation.

5, wedding photos do not hang directly above the TV. The five elements of television are fires. It takes a long time for quarrels and urgency. Is there a feeling of burning the butt?

6, suitable for placing wedding photos in the bedroom. However, it cannot be placed on the right side of the bed. It can be said that the right side is "White Tiger" in the study of Candidates. Placement on this side will be detrimental to marriage.

The above is all the contents of the feng shui of your own photos . Everyday, you pay more attention to life and more points of fortune. If you want to learn more about home, you can pay attention to GO Home Information Channel.

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