Pondering on the development of shrimp feed market: maximizing the efficiency of farmers is the core

Can Chinese shrimp feed continue to grow at a high rate? Yes, or can't, what will be the focus of the shrimp industry? The answer to this question largely requires us to re-examine the current environment that the Chinese shrimp industry will face in the current and future period, and re-examine the past factors that support the rapid growth of Chinese shrimp feed. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

In 2012, China's shrimp production volume was about 1.6 million tons, which was an increase from the 1.51 million tons in 2011, but the year-on-year growth rate fell to around 6%. Of the 1.6 million tons of shrimp, Guangdong's sales accounted for nearly half, about 780,000 tons. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

From the overall situation last year, the shrimp production enterprises in the first half of the year generally used sales as an indicator, using various marketing methods to seize the market, and the weather is relatively stable, the white shrimp has less disease, the first shrimp farming success rate is high, shrimp feed Sales have risen rapidly. However, in the second half of the year, due to the rising raw materials, low shrimp prices and low breeding success rate, the farming conditions in Guangdong's western Guangdong, Pearl River Delta, and Guangxi and Hainan were very poor. The Yangtze River Delta farming situation is better, and the sales of shrimp materials have increased significantly, but it has not been able to offset the shrinking demand for shrimp feed in the South China market. Faced with this situation, shrimp companies quickly adjusted their strategies and turned to profit as an indicator. Even so, they still encountered some difficulties when they returned money at the end of the year. The profit of shrimp enterprises in the whole year dropped significantly. It is said that the gross profit per ton of shrimp material is less than 500 yuan/ton on average, deducting bad debts, bad debts, etc., and there are some cases in which large group companies have suffered losses. Last year, farmers lost 60% of their losses, and dealers suffered the most losses, reaching 80%. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Since 2009, the quality of shrimp seedlings has been unstable and the germplasm resources have been seriously degraded. The industrialization of shrimp farming has led to more and more serious water pollution. Under this dual influence, shrimp disease is becoming more and more difficult to control, shrimp is becoming more and more difficult to raise, and the growth rate of shrimp material is getting slower and slower. The rapid increase in the price of fishmeal-based raw materials has made the entire shrimp feed industry “worse.” xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The high-speed growth of the Chinese shrimp industry for ten years is coming to an end. In the past decade, the driving factors for the rapid growth of the Chinese shrimp industry were: strong growth in the world economy before 2008 (especially China); membership in the WTO; considerable shrimp farming efficiency; and shrimp farming technology advancement. But now I have to say that the pulling effect of these factors is weakening. First of all, due to the impact of the international financial crisis and the European debt crisis, it will take time for the global economy to recover. The trade protection policy adopted by the developed countries led by the United States is putting a lot of pressure on Chinese shrimp exports. Shrimp culture in Southeast Asia in recent years. The rapid development has also made Chinese shrimp exports more vulnerable. At the same time, China's shrimp industry has high hopes for the domestic market to develop, and the progress is slower than expected. In addition, Chinese shrimp farming has always been in a “sub-health” state, and existing problems have become increasingly prominent. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

These four driving factors actually support the rapid growth of Chinese shrimp feed, and this high speed is also the most dangerous game for the shrimp feed industry: once this irrational shrimp culture development method continues, the shrimp supply is likely to cause shrimp The collapse of prices, or unexpected major diseases, has caused the whole shrimp industry to fall into a quagmire. Under the credit sales model, this will cause fatal pressure on the operating system of shrimp enterprises; if it reduces resources, it will work hard to reduce operational risks. The brand may encounter "Waterloo". If the shrimp farming industry shifts from high-speed development to medium-speed development, and even decreases, what kind of road should the shrimp enterprises look for after entering the Red Sea completely? xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

From the perspective of economics, the growth path of an economy is generally considered to be from factor-driven to efficiency-driven, from efficiency-driven to innovation-driven. For an economy such as the Chinese shrimp industry, it is originally driven by factors, relying on a low-cost labor force and relying on the heavens to eat. With the over-exploitation of natural resources, the deterioration of the ecological environment, and the rising cost of labor and resources, the “factor-driven” model of the Chinese shrimp industry is difficult to sustain. In the future, it is a general trend to promote the development of China's shrimp industry from “factor-driven” to “efficiency-driven” through management improvement, technological upgrading and production efficiency improvement. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The Chinese shrimp industry still has multiple ways to cushion various pressures. That is to say, this transition from high-speed growth to medium-speed growth is gradual and unlikely to happen suddenly. Unless a large-scale epidemic breaks out, or a serious shrimp product quality safety accident. With the foreseeable increase in labor costs, rising raw material costs, and declining capital investment in the future, the future development of the Chinese shrimp industry will depend on the efficient collaboration and integration of seedlings, feed, aquaculture, processing, export and domestic sales. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

In the past, the Chinese government did not list the shrimp aquaculture industry as a key development and support. The shrimp industry has developed so rapidly over the years, mainly relying on the transmission of interests within the industry. This is mainly supported by the feed factory as the main source of funds. For this reason, for the transformation of the shrimp industry, shrimp enterprises are prophetic. In recent years, Hengxing, Haida, Yuehai and Tongwei have successively appeared in the industry media from the past “only do not say, bury their hair”, and promote new models, new ideas and new strategies. From the transformation of these giants we can see some clues. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

"The change is not separated from its ancestry", Hengxing, Haida, Yuehai proposed "interest community", "full service", "manufacturer integration", what is sought is to control the industry. In the final analysis, farmers need profits. The high-end aquaculture industry has its unique needs. For example, how to help the success of shrimp farming is an urgent issue at present, and the sales channels will greatly affect the interests of farmers. In this case, the competition in the shrimp market finally competes with professional skills and service capabilities. Under competitive efficiency, shrimp companies need to optimize the mix to a greater extent. There is a core of leadership in the middle, which is to make a fuss about the benefits of farmers. The so-called scale and differentiation are only path choices. The so-called innovation, technological progress is only the ability to construct. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Hengxing, Haida and Yuehai have taken precautions to provide a complete set of system services for farmers, including seedlings, feed, drugs and biological products, breeding models, technical services, information services, and aquatic products sales services. However, in the attempt of the shrimp industry to carry out the extension of the industrial chain, if the operation is not based on professional capabilities, there will inevitably be certain risks (such as problems with seedlings, which will affect the sales of shrimp materials). Therefore, this strategy must be implemented. When the professionalization ability is strong enough, the organizational capacity and organizational efficiency of the shrimp enterprises are very high. It not only requires uniform team objectives, high comprehensive quality, and strong execution, but also requires dealers' service awareness to effectively connect with the enterprise (maximizing value chain value). This is a lesson that shrimp companies need to make up as soon as possible after experiencing rapid development. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

It is foreseeable that the frequent confrontation between Hengxing, Haida, Yuehai and Tongwei in the shrimp market in the past three years is only a prelude, and the real “race” has just begun. Next, the development of shrimp farming depends more on the improvement of germplasm resources, the evolution and upgrading of farming models, and the upgrading of farming techniques to improve the success rate of breeding. Correspondingly, in the case of a small increase in shrimp feed sales, the four giants will still be in a leading position, and each other will have a long-term relationship. The operating pressure of small and medium-sized shrimp enterprises is increasing, and they will be forced to turn to mixed materials, low-grade freshwater fish materials, special aquatic products, etc., or be merged, or quit. Overall, the sales of the four giants and the second camp will gradually open. This shrimp pattern will not change much in the next three years. xGA China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry