Which decoration company in Shanghai is better? Shanghai's best interior design company

Speaking of decoration, most people are one or two big, so many decoration companies, in the end which is better? The owners of the decoration in Shanghai are more choices, and the decoration company is very competitive. Looking for Baidu, found that there are many decoration companies that advertise, so which decoration company is better in Shanghai? Advertising decoration company, is really a good decoration company? Which is the best decoration design company in Shanghai?

Choosing a decorative company with a good reputation can not only avoid many traps, but also make your own decoration process smooth. There are a lot of problems in the details of the decoration. It is not that the design draft is very good. Then there will be no problems with the gradual implementation. Some problems are accidental, which is a test of the level of construction workers.

Xiao Bian has something to say : decoration company is good or bad, Xiao Bian feel that they have to see the real comments of the owners more reliable! What advertising can save money everyone can do, a really good decoration company is recognized by the user evaluation of a good decoration company. This article collected all the netizen comments of famous decoration companies in Shanghai. Which decoration company is good in the end, everyone seriously read reviews!

PART1: Catalog - A list of well-known decoration companies in Shanghai

Shanghai people decoration

Shanghai Poly-decorating company

Shanghai Wave Decoration Group

Shanghai Runqin Decoration

Shanghai Jiuding Decoration Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Red Ant Decoration Design Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Rongxin Decoration Co., Ltd. Introduction

Shanghai Tongji Classic Design Company

Shanghai Marshal Construction & Decoration Co., Ltd.

Shanghai T6 International Design & Decoration Co.

Shanghai ID Urban Space Decoration Company

Shanghai Yifan Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Tongji Home Decoration

Shanghai Jinling Decoration

Shanghai Hao Shuo Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Yunlan Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Leiyang Decoration

Shanghai Oubao Building Decoration Co., Ltd.

PART2: Specific Comments
[Shanghai People's Decoration Company is OK? 】

User evaluation summary: big reputation, but the price is not high, the price is more expensive! Looks like the service is more general!

Netizen "Wooden Love Travel" commented on Shanghai's decorating: Dad said he wanted to pick this one, but I think the consultation is not cheap, and the amount of housing must be paid for the 500 yuan deposit = = Not unlike other design companies. The amount of room, is this the difference between a regular company and a design studio? ORZ

User “ROUSEMEME” commented on Shanghai’s decorating: There has always been an advertisement for people’s decorating. It’s not bad, but this design isn’t very much like yourself. It may be a bit stubborn, but it’s not always satisfactory. However, the service was very good and patient.

The netizen "Kindingski" commented on the decor of Shanghai people : Because before the renovation of the house, he also saw a lot of decorating companies. This family also went to see that his family's fame was a little bit, but he didn't seem to be attracted, and the price was slightly lower. A bit expensive, the price is not very high.

[Shanghai Poly-decoration company is OK? 】

User evaluation summary: fame, but there is nothing special, I feel that the general price, the price is expensive!

The netizen “MY La La La” commented on Shanghai Poly-decorating and decorating company: Poly-passroom decoration is more famous on our side, but now there are too many large and small decorating shops, and this is a friend who introduced it. At the end of the day, they just finished the renovation and saw the effect of their home decoration is still good. So I went to see if the designer had come to my house to measure the room, then helped me to do several sets of programs, and later helped me to do it. The quotations for the renovation are overall good.

Netizen “lawyers look forward” commented on Shanghai Poly-decorating and decorating company : there are many storefronts, the price is quite expensive, and the price/performance ratio is not very high. The basics of things are almost the same as those of other families. We’ve already shopped before, but now it’s a bit of a celebrity. That's it.

The netizen “Strawberry chocolate pudding” commented on Shanghai Poly-decorating and decorating company : Jutong was a relatively famous and relatively famous designer in the interior decoration industry. At home, it was necessary to decorate her home and she went to her home to consult. The feeling was still full of professionalism. More reasonable, that is, the price is indeed a bit high!

(Click on the next page to see more users comment on Shanghai's well-known decoration design company. Which decoration company in Shanghai is good, experienced owners have the final say!)

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